InCAEM project evolution



With this 1st InCAEM Newsletter we start a series of periodic communication, to maintain you informed about the progress of the project InCAEM, the In Situ Correlative Facility for Advanced Energy Materials. Check the previous link to have full details of the project and the institutions involved.

This project, that will develop a unique analytical infrastructure open to the scientific community, is part of the Planes Complementarios program on Advanced Materials, and is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation together with the Generalitat de Catalunya, with the support of NextGeneration EU funds. 

Today we are highlighting the advances done in the preparation of the infrastructure since the workshop held in April 2023, as well as two events: the AMatS23, organized by the Aragon CCAA within the program, which will be held in Zaragoza in mid November, and the series of InCAEM talks which take place once per month in hybrid format, and which we hope will find your interest. 


Caterina Biscari, administrative coordinator of InCAEM, and Jordi Arbiol, scientific coordinator of InCAEM 


Microscopes procurement and infrastructure preparation

ALBA Synchrotron building

The call for tenders for the Scanning transmission electron microscope and the Scanning probe microscopy platform are ongoing and we expect signing the contracts before 2024. The SPM platform infrastructure, which will be built in an existing building at ALBA premises, has been designed and the construction is starting now.


Correlative experiments tests at ALBA

Image of first correlative experiments tests

High resolution STEM images of Pd and Pt nanoparticles (1.5% wt each) on CeO2 freshly prepared (a) and after methane combustion (b), from Divins, et al., Nat. Comm. 13, 5080 (2022). (c) SEM image of one of the samples used for the beamline measurements. The sample (white) is deposited by drop casting on a silicon substrate with 9 separate silicon nitride membranes. (d) X-ray diffraction pattern measured at XALOC beamline. (e) - (f) X-ray absorption spectra acquired in NOTOS beamline in the membrane with lowest sample density, marked in red in (c). 

A team including ALBA, ICN2, ICMAB-CSIC and UPC scientists is performing tests on different beamlines in order to define instrumentation and workflows for correlative in situ analysis of advanced energy materials. Model catalysts and electrochemical samples such as PdPt nanoparticles supported on CeO2 or LiFePO4/FePO4 in tiny amounts as suited for high resolution STEM and on EM type substrates were measured in different beamlines such as NOTOS and CLAESS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy), MSPD and XALOC (X-ray diffraction) and MIRAS (infrared spectro-microscopy).


Data acquisition, processing and preservation

Data general image

After some surveys and meetings with the different scientific groups of the InCAEM project, a first draft of the Data Management Plan (DMP) has been developed. It describes the data workflow for the various instruments and the associated data products of the project. In addition, the IT infrastructure requirements were collected. These requirements are the basis for the design of the common IT infrastructure between ALBA and PIC, which is currently under development.


AMatS Conference, 13-15 November in Zaragoza

AMatS Conference

Organised within the Planes Complementarios de Materiales Avanzados, the second Conference on advanced materials in Spain (AMatS) is open to the whole community and will be aimed at discussing about graphene and other 2D materials, materials for energy and smart materials with advanced functionalities. Early registration is available until 20th October 2023.


Join the InCAEM Talks

AFM Illustration by Daniel Martin Jiménez

AFM illustration, by Daniel Martin Jiménez (ICMAB-CSIC)

This series of hybrid seminars are held the first Wednesday of each month at the ALBA Synchrotron. There, we exchange know-how, learn from each other and from external experts, and initiate discussions for present and future collaborations. You are all welcome to participate in person or by Zoom and to propose new topics and speakers.

See the list of talks