Dear colleagues, 

The InCAEM project aimed at developing an In Situ Correlative Facility for Advanced Energy Materials is making huge progress. All the teams involved are working hard to have the new and unique instruments ready for the user community in fall 2025.

We'd like to share with you the latest updates as well as other relevant information that might be of your interest.


Caterina Biscari, administrative coordinator of InCAEM, and Jordi Arbiol, scientific coordinator of InCAEM 


FEATURING ARTICLE "The InCAEM project, instruments available and scientific applications"

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For a detailed description on the facility, the instruments included and the scientific possibilities that InCAEM will open up, please read this featuring article written by Jordi Arbiol, Carmen Ocal, Aitor Mugarza and Lucía Aballe.


New equipment has arrived

InCAEM team with equipment

At the left, part of the staff appointed to the SPM Platform of the InCAEM project in front of the two multi-technique AFMs(from left to right, Daniel Martín-Jiménez, Rodrigo Arilla and Rogger Palacios from ICMAB-CSIC). At the right, Jordi Arbiol (ICN2), Núria Bagués, Lucía Aballe and Ana Arché (ALBA) receiving the sample holders from DEN Solutions. 

Part of the InCAEM's equipment has already arrived and is now being tested. TEM sample holders for in-situ liquid, gas, heating, biasing and cooling are on-site. Two new multi-technique AFMs, that will be part of the SPM platform, were delivered in April and are temporarily installed at the ICMAB-CSIC until civil works at ALBA are completely finished. These multipurpose SPMs are two state-of-the-art FX40 Atomic Force Microscopes from Park Systems, with the latest advances in optimization for automatic sensor change and laser alignment. They will permit measuring very diverse samples and materials for applications in fields as varied as biomedicine, energy, electronics, etc. More details about these instruments here


More correlative tests performed at ALBA

Correlative tests at ALBA beamline

Left: experimental setup. Top right: SEM and visible microscope maps of 100 nm Au nanoparticles sample, drop-casted onto a multi-window substrate. Top bottom: diffraction pattern of 100 nm Au nanoparticles on window #9, acquired with 11.5 keV photon energy. Rings, arcs and single spots can be distinguished. 

As part of the effort to adapt beamlines for correlative experiments, the ALBA team temporarily installed a PILATUS 6M photon counting pixelated detector at the multipurpose station of the NOTOS beamline. Diffraction data were successfully collected for nanoparticle samples on electron transparent membranes and for thinned steel samples after mechanical tests, with an incident beam size of about 100x100 µm2.


Data management plan is ready


One of the remarkable aspects of this facility is the development of a powerful computing infrastructure and methodology to automatically analyze data. One of the first steps has been to prepare a data management plan. 


Join the next InCAEM Talk on 5/06/2024

In-situ correlative study of 2D materials via surface science characterization tools", Marc G. Cuxart (ICN2) 


The scientist from ICN2 will review a few surface science studies in which engineered 2D materials have been correlatively characterized by surface science tools. He will also introduce the new low-temperature photon-scanning probe microscope (photon-SPM) that will be installed at ALBA. You can either join by Zoom or presentially at the ALBA Synchrotron premises.


Conference 13-14 June 2024

'Interdisciplinary advances in health: biotechnology and advanced materials' 

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Event organized jointly by the Complementary Plans for Biotechnology Applied to Health and Advanced Materials, coordinated respectively by the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and Valencia.


Symposium on SPM for future electronics at the Physics Biennial - 17 July 2024

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The symposium "Scanning probe microscopies: a tool to understand and fabricate materials for future electronics (DFMC-GEFES)", organized by the ICMAB-CSIC, the UAM and U.Salamanca, will present the benefits of the InCAEM SPM Platform to the scientific community. The symposium is expected to bring together the scientific community working with both characterization techniques and show the last advances in the field.


Related Publications

  • Xiao, P., El Sachat, A., Chavez-Angel, E., Ng, R.C., Nikoulis, G., Kioseoglou, J., Termentzidis, K., Sotomayor Torres, C.M., Sledzinska, M. MoS2 phononic crystals for advanced thermal management. Science Advances, Vol. 10, 2024, 2024, 8, 159–178

  • Pastor, E., Lian, Z., Xia, L., Ecija, D., Galan-Mascaros, J.R., Barja, S., Giménez, S., Arbiol, J., López, N., García de Arquer, F.P. Complementary probes for the electrochemical interface. Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2024, 8, 159–178

  • Yan, S., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Beljonne, D., Palacios-Rivera, R., Ocal, C., Barrena, E. Polar Polymorphism: A New Intermediate Structure toward the Thin-Film Phase in Asymmetric Benzothieno[3,2-b][1]-benzothiophene Derivatives. Chemistry of Materials, 2024, 36 (1), 585-595

  • Jenkinson, K., Spadarao, M.C., Golovanova, V., Andreu, T., Morante, J.R., Arbiol, J., Bals, S. Direct operando visualization of metal support inrectaions induced by hydrogen spillover during CO2 hydrogenation. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2306447.

  • Fernández-Climent, R., Redondo, J., García-Tecedor, M., Spadaro, M.C., Li, J., Chartrand, D., Schiller, F., Pazos, J., Hurtado, M.F., de la Peña O’Shea, V., Kornienko, N., Arbiol, J., Barja, S., Mesa, C.A., Giménez, S. Highly Durable Nanoporous Cu2–xS Films for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis under Mild pH Conditions. ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13 (15), 10457-10467