ALBA Synchrotron logotype

Aerial view of ALBA

New electronic newsletter of the ALBA Synchrotron
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Aerial view of ALBA

Doing a PhD at ALBA 
On the 5th of October, students doing their PhD at the ALBA Synchrotron presented the status of their projects in areas such as the application of synchrotron light as well as accelerators development.
Pedro Duque at ALBA tunnel of accelerators

Minister of Science Pedro Duque visits ALBA

On the 2nd of October, Minister of Science Pedro Duque visited ALBA along with other members of the Rector Council. They could visit the accelerators tunnel and some of the beamlines accompanied by the director, Caterina Biscari, and other members of the management.
Accelerators tunnel at ALBA

What is the electron beam energy at ALBA? 

Usually ALBA is introduced as a 3GeV synchrotron light source. Scientists from Accelerators division have been doing energy measurements every run during the last 3 years to precisely check beam energy parameters.


New properties of graphene for spintronics

An international team of researchers has elucidated a new property of Graphene/Ferromagnetic interfaces: the existence of a sizable magnetic unidirectional interaction, which is responsible for establishing a chiral character to magnetic domain wall structures. These results pave the way for the development of spintronics that will meet the demands of high density, low energy and speed processing data storage systems.
BL29-BOREAS highlight figure
In the search of new vaccines for farmed fish

Researchers are developing a new vaccine concept, an orally administered nanoparticle, which would be more practical, cheaper and less stressful for the animals than conventional injected vaccines. The team has already verified that these nanoparticles stimulate an immune response. Now they analyze in ALBA what exactly happens inside the cells at molecular level.
MIRAS highlight figure




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ALBA is the only synchrotron light source in Spain. It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows visualization and analysis of matter and its properties at atomic and molecular levels. In operation since 2012, ALBA has eight beamlines and four more under construction. It generates about 6,000 hours of beamtime and hosts more than 1,800 academic and industrial researchers every year.

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades                                              Generalitat de Catalunya - Empresa i Coneixement

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