July 2021  -   View this e-mail in your browser   
 ALBA II Day webinar: The ALBA upgrade project 
The user community of the ALBA Synchrotron was called to participate in a webinar session the last 30th of June. Users were able to learn about the status of the ALBA II project and how to contribute to its success. A call for new beamlines is now open. Proposals can be send until 6th of September 2021.  

MINERVA: new beamline in collaboration with the European Space Agency

MINERVA will be the 13th beamline of the facility and will be used to support the development of the ATHENA mission, the Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics that will reveal new insights about the hot and energetic universe.

Project TransPyrenean Node for Scientific Instrumentation

The TNSI project, funded with ERDF funds from the European Community, brings together six research laboratories and several SMEs located on both sides of the Pyrenees. TNSI has pursued the development of scientific instrumentation with the ultimate goal of obtaining new applications that benefit society.  

The 3rd edition of Mision ALBA closes with more than 10.000 participants

 The science educational project has counted with 225 registered schools, 364 teachers, 503 classroom groups, and more than 10.000 students all around the country. Moreover, this school year offered four new experiments about light and its properties.

2020 ALBA Activity Report is out!

Check out the last annual report, covering the most remarkable activities of 2020. How ALBA faced the pandemic and kept giving service to the user community, a selection of science highlights, technology reviews and a brief summary of last year. 


A new way of controlling skyrmions motion  
A group of researchers from France has been able to create and guide skyrmions in magnetic tracks. These nanoscale magnetic textures are promising information carriers with great potential in future data storage and processing devices. Experiments at the CIRCE-PEEM beamline of the ALBA Synchrotron enabled to image how skyrmions move along tracks written with helium ions.

The first structure of an ATC protein from plants reveals its mechanism of inhibition  
A research team studied the ATC protein, an essential enzyme for the biosynthesis of pyrimidines, the building blocks of the genetic material. Researchers were able to describe the functioning mechanism of the enzyme, opening the venue for new strategies to design herbicides and antitumoral compounds. 
Researchers discover the origin of calcium in human bones   
A study suggests crystalline calcium carbonate as a precursor of hydroxyapatite in the process of bone formation.  Thanks to the MISTRAL beamline at ALBA, researchers were able to create a 3D tomogram of human cells and visualize calcium depositions inside them.

Characterising amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease   
Researchers from the UAB and IDIBELL have analysed Alzheimer’s disease brain samples at the ESRF and ALBA Synchrotron to characterise two types of amyloid plaques with differences in metal ion composition and in their levels of oxidised lipids. The results could lead to new insights into the development of the pathology. 





The ALBA Synchrotron is made up of more than 200 women and men from different backgrounds. 
We are presenting a series of interviews with the ALBA staff so you can get to know them and the work they do.

Àlex Camps Mezquita  
Alberto Mittone  
Carolina Gutiérrez Neira  
Nicolas Soler  

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ALBA is the only synchrotron light source in Spain. It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows visualization and analysis of matter and its properties at atomic and molecular levels. In operation since 2012, ALBA has eight beamlines and four more under construction. It generates about 6,000 hours of beamtime and hosts more than 1,800 academic and industrial researchers every year.   

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Generalitat de Catalunya - Empresa i Coneixement 

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