November 2021  - View this e-mail in your browser         

Initial funding for the ALBA II upgrade

ALBA has received 7.5M€ to start developing the new accelerators' systems for transforming into a 4th generation synchrotron facility.

New catalyst for the conversion of CO2 to methanol
BL24-CIRCE-NAPP  | Green Chemistry

They proved that a system based on molybdenum-on-titania does efficiently catalyze this reaction and represents a promising alternative to current industrial catalysts.   

LOREA beamline hosts the first official users

A research group from DIPC-Donostia analyzed the electronic structure of a 2D material to be used in spintronics and data storage.  

A new nanomaterial for cardiac fibrosis
BL09-MISTRAL  | Chemical Science

Experiments revealed the location of a novel hybrid nanomaterial designed to inhibit the collagen overproduction after a myocardial fibrosis event and the induced morphological changes in the cells.   
Screenshot of the #LightSourceSelfies vídeo showing Ana Joaquina Pérez-Berná, beamline scientist at the ALBA Synchrotron.
 #LightSourceSelfies brings a face to science 
Scientists and engineers representing 25 large-scale science facilities from across the global light source community have contributed to a new video campaign to share insights and inspire all those with a curiosity for science and careers connected to synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers (FELs). 
website upgrade is coming
One of the projects for next year is to upgrade our current website, which is working since 2014. In order to better define the needs of the future website, we'd like to count on your support. Please answer this brief survey till 3rd of December 2021. 

ALBA is a facility with a great variety of professional profiles.

Meet our staff 

Eva Hernández Sanjuan
Inés Pérez Renart
Cristian Pérez Bermúdez
Cristian Pérez Bermúdez  

Follow us!

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ALBA is the only synchrotron light source in Spain. It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows visualization and analysis of matter and its properties at atomic and molecular levels. In operation since 2012, ALBA has nine beamlines and four more under construction. It generates about 6,000 hours of beamtime and hosts more than 2,000 academic and industrial researchers every year.


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