March 2022  -View this e-mail in your browser         
The ALBA Synchrotron initiates the construction of a new beamline 
The 14th beamline at the ALBA Synchrotron, named 3Sbar, will be dedicated to study the Surface Structure and Spectroscopy at 1 bar and will provide unprecedented insight on the understanding of fundamental processes in catalytic reactions. The beamline, funded by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan within the framework of the NextGenerationEU, will enter operation in 2026. 

New extra-large pore zeolite with promising applications in the chemical industry
BL04-MSPD  | Science

The new zeolite, ZEO-1, shows the largest pores observed in stable zeolites after 80 years of research. Experiments at the MSPD beamline were key to determine its accurate structure. 

Cyborg plants: roots can storage energy
BL11-NCD-SWEET  | Materials Horizons

This study proved the integration of circuits and electrochemical devices into the plants without damaging them, so that they continued to grow and adapt to their new hybrid state. Experiments at the NCD-SWEET beamline were crucial to shed light on the plant-based technology field.   
“Acelerando electrones” (accelerating electrons) is a new science podcast produced by the ALBA Synchrotron and Cugat Mèdia, with the collaboration of the FECYT. The podcast includes 6 episodes to explain what a synchrotron is, what its applications are and how ALBA everyday life is like. Don't miss “Acelerando electrones”, the fastest science explained slowly!  

ALBA is a facility with a great variety of professional profiles.

Meet our staff 

Montserrat Prieto
Montserrat Prieto Moliné  
Núria Valls
Núria Valls Vidal  

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ALBA is the only synchrotron light source in Spain. It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows visualization and analysis of matter and its properties at atomic and molecular levels. In operation since 2012, ALBA has nine beamlines and five more under construction. It generates about 6,000 hours of beamtime and hosts more than 2,000 academic and industrial researchers every year.


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