ALBA Synchrotron - Christmas Greetings 2020 
Our best wishes from ALBA: a peaceful Christmas and a new year full of projects. 

ALBA initiates its upgrade process to become a 4th generation facility 
The ALBA Synchrotron has been given the green light to start working in 2021 on the ALBA II project, an ambitious program that will transform ALBA into a 4th generation synchrotron facility upgrading the accelerator and other components and building new beamlines

ALBA hosts the 3rd LEAPS Plenary Meeting

More than 170 participants from all Europe met up virtually for the third League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS) Plenary meeting. The event has been hosted by the ALBA Synchrotron, whose director, Caterina Biscari, will continue as Chair of LEAPS in 2021. 

ARIE statement about the funding needs of RIs in the next Horizon Europe Program

The Board of the Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe (ARIE) wish to raise attention to the funding needs of Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the next Horizon Europe (HE) program, and appeal for a reassignment of part of the funds to programs dedicated to Research Infrastructures. 


The African fly of death might also help save lives  
For the first time, scientists recreated in the lab the molecule that allows the tsetse fly to feed on blood. It’s a powerful yet small anticoagulant with a unique and strong binding to thrombin, the key enzyme of the coagulation pathway. The mechanism of action of this molecule suggests it is also a promising platform for designing improved anticoagulant drugs.

Towards more efficient organic solar cells  
Plastic solar cells are comprised of two materials: a semiconductor polymer and another electron-accepting compound.  This new research presents for the first time an experimental methodology based on nanocalorimetry that allows quantifying the degree of intermixing of solar cells, a fundamental knowledge for the design of more efficient and stable devices.
Italian ceramics in the deep with the light of ALBA   
Pottery glazes and decorations from Montelupo dated from the 14th-19th centuries have been analyzed through a series of X-ray micro-diffraction measurements with synchrotron light. The experiments will provide useful information to reconstruct the technological processes used for manufacturing ceramics.

Identified the role of CCT protein in the control of the immune synapse formation  
The new study identifies the role of the CCT protein, a cytosolic chaperonin, in the reorganization of the cellular skeleton involved in the immune synapse. This interaction process between lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells is necessary for the activation of lymphocytes and determines the immune response intensity. 


Conference by Caterina Biscari

 Watch now: Caterina Biscari. 18/11/20. Webinar “El sincrotró ALBA: com manipular els electrons per servir a la societat” (in Spanish)




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ALBA is the only synchrotron light source in Spain. It is a complex of electron accelerators to produce synchrotron light, which allows visualization and analysis of matter and its properties at atomic and molecular levels. In operation since 2012, ALBA has eight beamlines and four more under construction. It generates about 6,000 hours of beamtime and hosts more than 1,800 academic and industrial researchers every year.   

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación     Generalitat de Catalunya - Empresa i Coneixement

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